Increased Costs Don’t Always Equate To Increased Revenue

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As I have been working on each of the Facility Statistic files, I have noticed that our facility Medicaid rates have increased very little, if any. This is going to be a challenge for many of our facilities this coming year with our expenses increasing due to inflation. It is imperative that each of us keep a close track of our staffing time and assure we are meeting our residents’ needs as well as being a prudent “keeper” of the financial stability of our facilities. The file that is created for each of your facilities gives you a wealth of information, if it is used. We all know how important it is to watch our labor hours and what better way of doing so than to know our “hours per resident day” (HPRD) for each department. These files are being sent out as I receive your information and edit the last year’s file. If any of you need to have a “quick” refresher on how to use it, please let me know.



